1.3. Sale Form


Sale is a type of transaction, in which Payer receives goods or services from Connecting Party in exchange for money or other assets. Sale Form integration allows Connecting Party to exclude itself from storing, processing, or transmitting Payer’s cardholder data or other sensitive payment details. Such data is submitted by Payer on Solid Payments hosted payment form in PCI DSS certified environment.
All forms can be customized. Follow the Forms Customization reference to see examples and macros of Payment Page Customization, Prefilled Cardholder Data in Payment Page, Wait Page Customization and Finish Page Customization.

See terms definitions in Glossary.

Sale Form Flow

  skinparam roundcorner 20
  skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
  skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
  actor Payer as Customer
  participant "Connecting Party\nwebsite" as Merchant
  participant "Payment Gateway" as g
  Customer -> Merchant: Checkout
  activate Merchant
  == Purchase payment request ==
  Merchant -> g: api/v2/sale-form
  activate g
  g --> Merchant: Redirect-url, orderId
  deactivate g
  Merchant -> Customer: Provide redirect-url \nto payer’s browser
  deactivate Merchant
  activate Customer
  Customer -> g: GET redirect-url
  deactivate Customer
  activate g
  g --> Customer: Payment Form
  deactivate g
  activate Customer
  Customer -> g: Submit form
  deactivate Customer
  activate g
  g --> g: Process payment
  == Final redirect of customer ==
  g -> Customer: Connecting Party website redirect_url
  activate Customer
  Customer -> Merchant: POST redirect_url\nstatus, orderid
  deactivate Customer
  activate Merchant
  group Get Final Status
  == Receive Connecting Party Callback ==
  Merchant <- g: Сallback with final status
  g <-- Merchant: HTTP 200
  deactivate g
  == Order Status Request ==
  Merchant -> g: api/v2/status
  activate g
  g --> Merchant: Response \nstatus, order-stage
  deactivate g
  Merchant --> Customer: Show result
  deactivate Merchant

(2) To implement sale-form request see /api/v2/sale-form/.
(9) To implement final redirect see Final Redirect.
(11,12) To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callbacks.
(13) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until final status will be received in response.