1.9. Payment Cashier


Payment Cashier integration allows Payer to choose the payment method for transaction. Payment Cashier can be configured on the Connecting Party side or the Payment Gateway (it is also referred to as Parallel Form) side which is covered in this Use-Case. Connecting Party redirects the Payer to Parallel Form hosted on the Payment Gateway side, the Payer selects one of the available payment methods and tries to perform the payment. Parallel Form can initiate sale or preauth transactions for each configured payment method. Once the transaction is successful, the Payer gets redirected back to the Connecting Party. For more information please see Payment Flow Customization.
To see how the forms can be customized, please follow the Forms Customization reference to see examples and macros of Payment Cashier Page Customization, Payment Page Customization, Prefilled Cardholder Data in Payment Page, Wait Page Customization, and Finish Page Customization.

See terms definitions in Glossary.

Payment Cashier configured in the Payment Gateway has internal structure of Master Endpoints that combine regular Endpoints. Regular Endpoints connected to the Master Endpoint are called Auxiliary Endpoints. Each Auxiliary Endpoint is configured for specific payment method. When making a payment, the Payer can choose the payment method on the Parallel Form. When Payer selects the payment method, Parallel Form initiates an auxiliary transaction on the corresponding Auxiliary Endpoint. If Auxiliary Endpoint currency is different from Master Endpoint currency, the master transaction amount will be converted to respective currency of this payment method. Additionally, Master Endpoints can be consolidated in the Endpoint Group to create single logical unit for multi-currency integrations. See the Options for multi-currency integration and select the preferred option with Solid Payments support manager.

Payment Cashier Flow

  skinparam roundcorner 20
  skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
  skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
  actor Payer as Customer
  participant "Connecting Party\nwebsite" as Merchant
  participant "Payment Gateway" as g
  Customer -> Merchant: Checkout
  activate Merchant
  == Payment cashier request ==
  Merchant -> g: api/v2/sale-form
  activate g
  g --> Merchant: Redirect-url, orderId
  deactivate g
  Merchant -> Customer: Provide redirect-url \nto Payer’s browser
  deactivate Merchant
  activate Customer
  Customer -> g: GET redirect-url
  deactivate Customer
  activate g
  g --> Customer: Return parallel form
  deactivate g
  activate Customer
  Customer --> Customer: Payer selects payment method
  activate Customer
  Customer -> g: Parallel form requests selected payment method transaction
  deactivate Customer
  activate g
  g --> g: Initiate auxiliary transaction for \nselected payment method
  g --> Customer: Return auxiliary form
  deactivate g
  alt if Payer opens another parallel form  payment tab
  Customer --> Customer: Payer selects payment method
  activate Customer
  Customer -> g: Parallel form requests selected payment method transaction
  deactivate Customer
  activate g
  g --> g: Initiate auxiliary transaction for \nselected payment method
  g --> Customer: Return another auxiliary form
  deactivate g
  Customer -> g: Submit form
  deactivate Customer
  activate g
  g --> g: Process payment
  == Final redirect of Payer ==
  g -> Customer: Connecting Party website redirect_url
  activate Customer
  Customer -> Merchant: POST redirect_url\nstatus, orderid
  deactivate Customer
  group Get Final Status
  == Receive Connecting Party Callback ==
  activate Merchant
  Merchant <- g: Сallback with final status
  g <-- Merchant: HTTP 200
  deactivate g
  == Order Status Request ==
  Merchant -> g: api/v2/status
  activate g
  g --> Merchant: Response \nstatus, order-stage
  deactivate g
  Merchant --> Customer: Show result
  deactivate Merchant

(2) To implement a sale-form request see /api/v2/sale-form/.
(14) To implement the final redirect see Final Redirect.
(16,17) To implement an order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5-second intervals until final status will be received in response.
(18) To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callbacks. Callback is sent with the status of the master transaction (cashier transactions). To get additional callbacks about the result of each initiated transactions, please contact Solid Payments support manager.

Options For Multi-Currency Integration

Payment Cashier can be configured for multiple currencies. For each transaction currency required by Connecting Party, a separate Master Endpoint with unique ID is created. In order to avoid integration to new Master Endpoint IDs for additional currencies support in future, Connecting Party can choose integration to Endpoint Group instead. Endpoint Group is a single logical unit which consolidates Master Endpoints in different currencies. Master Endpoints in new currencies can be added to the same Endpoint Group in future.

title Options for multi-currency processing integration
package "Integration to Endpoint Group" {
  class "layoutHelper1" #ffe6cc;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Payment\nmethod 1\ncurrency A" #ffe6cc;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Payment\nmethod 2\ncurrency A" #ffe6cc;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Payment\nmethod 1\ncurrency B" #dae8fc;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Payment\nmethod 2\ncurrency X" #daf9fc;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Master Endpoint\n currency A" #ffe6cc;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Master Endpoint\n currency B" #dae8fc;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Endpoint\nGroup" #ffcdcc;line:black;line.dotted
package "Integration to multiple Master Endpoints" {
class "layoutHelper2\n" #ffe6cc;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Payment\nmethod 1\ncurrency C" #e1d5e7;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Payment\nmethod 2\ncurrency C" #e1d5e7;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Payment\nmethod 1\ncurrency D" #dafcdd;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Payment\nmethod 2\ncurrency Y" #abf8d8;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Master Endpoint\n currency C" #e1d5e7;line:black;line.dotted
  class "Master Endpoint\n currency D" #dafcdd;line:black;line.dotted
class "layoutHelper3" #ffe6cc;line:black;line.dotted
class "Connecting Party\n (Merchant)" #ececec;line:black;line.bold

"Connecting Party\n (Merchant)" -left-> "Endpoint\nGroup"
"Connecting Party\n (Merchant)" -down-> "layoutHelper3"
"Connecting Party\n (Merchant)" -down-> "Master Endpoint\n currency C"
"Connecting Party\n (Merchant)" -down-> "Master Endpoint\n currency D"

"Endpoint\nGroup" -down- "Master Endpoint\n currency A"
"Endpoint\nGroup" -down- "Master Endpoint\n currency B"
"Master Endpoint\n currency C" -down- "Payment\nmethod 1\ncurrency C"
"Master Endpoint\n currency C" -down- "Payment\nmethod 2\ncurrency C"
"Master Endpoint\n currency D" -down- "Payment\nmethod 1\ncurrency D"
"Master Endpoint\n currency D" -down- "Payment\nmethod 2\ncurrency Y"
"Master Endpoint\n currency A" -down- "Payment\nmethod 1\ncurrency A"
"Master Endpoint\n currency A" -down- "Payment\nmethod 2\ncurrency A"
"Master Endpoint\n currency B" -down- "Payment\nmethod 1\ncurrency B"
"Master Endpoint\n currency B" -down- "Payment\nmethod 2\ncurrency X"
"Connecting Party\n (Merchant)" -left[hidden]- "layoutHelper1"
"Connecting Party\n (Merchant)" -right[hidden]- "layoutHelper2\n"
"layoutHelper1" -[hidden]- "Master Endpoint\n currency A"
"layoutHelper1" -[hidden]- "Master Endpoint\n currency B"
"layoutHelper2\n" -[hidden]- "Master Endpoint\n currency C"
"layoutHelper2\n" -[hidden]- "Master Endpoint\n currency D"
hide members
hide circle
hide layoutHelper1
hide layoutHelper2\n
hide layoutHelper3

Payment Flow Customization Scenarios

Callback Notification Options

By default, callbacks have the following form:

Master Endpoint Callback: client_orderid=A&orderid=B
Auxiliary Endpoint Callback: client_orderid=A&orderid=C (if it is set on an Auxiliary Endpoint)

For correct callback handling on Connecting Party side it is important to note that the callback from the Auxiliary Endpoint may come earlier than the callback from the Master Endpoint (because final status on auxiliary transaction triggers final status on master transaction).

There is another setup that can be preferred over the default one (to enable this feature please contact Solid Payments support manager) :

Master Endpoint Callback: client_orderid=A&orderid=B
Auxiliary Endpoint Callback: client_orderid=B&orderid=C (if it is set on an Auxiliary Endpoint)

A callback on the Auxiliary Endpoint may be required in two cases:

1. The Connecting Party wants to have complete information about all payment attempts on the Payment Cashier.
2. The Connecting Party implements preauth -> capture/cancel integration on the Payment Cashier. Capture/cancel transactions can be initiated for approved preauth transaction with request sent to Master Endpoint ID by using orderid of the auxiliary transaction. This orderid comes in a callback from an Auxiliary Endpoint when preauth transaction receives the final status.

Redirect Payer After Any Decline

By default, the Payer stays on the Parallel Form if one of the auxiliary transactions is declined, so the Payer can try to pay with another available payment method. There is an option to redirect the Payer to the Connecting Party’s website after receiving an unsuccessful status (decline, filtered, error, etc.) on any payment method tab of the Cashier (auxiliary transaction decline will cause the decline on the master transaction). Please contact Solid Payments support manager to enable this feature.

Keep Payer on Finish Page

When one of the auxiliary transactions is approved, Parallel Form redirects the Payer back to the Connecting Party’s website (see Final Redirect). There is an option to keep the Payer on Finish Page instead of redirecting for approved auxiliary transaction (it might be useful if Payment Cashier is displayed in an iframe on the Connecting Party’s website). Please contact Solid Payments support manager to enable this feature.

Forced Payer Redirect

If it is necessary to redirect the Payer to the Finish Page while transaction remains in process, the following code must be added to the forms mentioned below:

Auxiliary Finish Form Template:

        function backToMerchant() {
<body onload="backToMerchant()">
<div class="container">
    <div class="main">
        <h2 class="summary__title">Deposit <span class="status-title">${STATUS}</span></h2>
        <div class="back">
            <a class="link" href="#" onclick="backToMerchant()">Back to merchant website</a>

Master Payment Form Template:

    window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
        if (event.origin !== "https://pay.connectingparty.com")
        if (event.data === "redirect-to-merchant") {
    }, false);

Subsequent Transactions on Payment Cashier

If the Connecting Party wants to initiate cancel, reversal or capture transactions on Payment Cashier, then Connecting Party needs to send a request to the Master Endpoint ID by using an auxiliary transaction’s order_id. This value can be received in callback from Auxiliary Endpoint together with other details about this transaction. See Callback Notification Options for details and check the transaction flow below.

Cancel Flow

  skinparam roundcorner 20
  skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 1
  skinparam maxmessagesize 100
  skinparam sequenceParticipant underline
  actor Payer
  participant "Connecting party" as A
  participant "Payment Gateway" as B
  hnote over A,B : Successful Preauth Transaction
  group Optional
  Payer -> A: Initiate Cancel
  activate A
  == Cancel ==
  A -> B: api/v2/return
  activate B
  B --> A: Order ID
  B -> B: Process Cancel
  group Get Final Status
  == Receive Connecting Party Callback ==
  A <- B: Callback with Final Status
  A --> B: HTTP 200
  deactivate B
  == Order Status Request ==
  A -> B: Get Status by Order ID api/v2/status
  activate B
  B --> A: Response with Status, Order-stage
  deactivate B
  group Optional
  A --> Payer: Final Status
  deactivate A

(1) Cancel can be initiated by Connecting Party based on internal business model or Payer’s request.
(2) To implement cancel request see /api/v2/return/.
(5) Callback for Cancel will be sent only if notify_url was provided in initial transaction request or additional callback URL for Cancel transactions is specified on the endpoint level. If server_callback_url was provided in initial transaction request, callback for Cancel will not be sent. To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callbacks.
(7) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until final status will be received in response.
(9) Final Status can be sent by Connecting Party based on internal business model or by Payer’s request.

Capture Flow

  skinparam roundcorner 20
  skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 1
  skinparam maxmessagesize 100
  skinparam sequenceParticipant underline
  actor Payer
  participant "Connecting party" as A
  participant "Payment Gateway" as B
  hnote over A,B : Successful Preauth Transaction
  group Optional
  Payer -> A: Initiate Capture
  activate A
  == Capture ==
  A -> B: api/v2/capture
  activate B
  B --> A: Order ID
  B -> B: Process Capture
  group Get Final Status
  == Receive Connecting Party Callback ==
  A <- B: Callback with Final Status
  A --> B: HTTP 200
  deactivate B
  == Order Status Request ==
  A -> B: Get Status by Order ID api/v2/status
  activate B
  B --> A: Response with Status, Order-stage
  deactivate B
  group Optional
  A --> Payer: Final Status
  deactivate A

(1) Capture can be initiated by Connecting Party based on internal business model or Payer’s request.
(2) To implement capture request see /api/v2/capture/.
(5) Callback for Capture will be sent only if notify_url was provided in initial transaction request or additional callback URL for Capture transactions is specified on the endpoint level. If server_callback_url was provided in initial transaction request, callback for Capture will not be sent. To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callbacks.
(7) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until final status will be received in response.
(9) Final Status can be sent by Connecting Party based on internal business model or by Payer’s request.

Reversal Flow

  skinparam roundcorner 20
  skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 1
  skinparam maxmessagesize 100
  skinparam sequenceParticipant underline
  actor Payer
  participant "Connecting party" as A
  participant "Payment Gateway" as B
  hnote over A,B : Successful Sale or Capture transaction
  group Optional
  Payer -> A: Initiate Return
  activate A
  == Return ==
  A -> B: api/v2/return
  activate B
  B --> A: Order ID
  B -> B: Process Return
  group Get Final Status
  == Receive Connecting Party Callback ==
  A <- B: Callback with Final Status
  A --> B: HTTP 200
  deactivate B
  == Order Status Request ==
  A -> B: Get Status by Order ID api/v2/status
  activate B
  B --> A: Response with Status, Order-stage
  deactivate B
  group Optional
  A --> Payer: Final Status
  deactivate A

(1) Return can be initiated by Connecting Party based on internal business process or by Payer’s request.
(2) To implement return request see /api/v2/return/.
(5) Callback for Return will be sent only if notify_url was provided in initial transaction request or additional callback URL for Return transactions is specified on the endpoint level. If server_callback_url was provided in initial transaction request, callback for Return will not be sent. To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callbacks.
(7) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until final status will be received in response.
(9) Final Status can be sent by Connecting Party based on internal business process or Payer’s request.