2.12. Events monitor

The Events monitor is designed to notify about certain events in the system. It sends request to the specified URL. Merchant server is expected to respond with 200 OK HTTP status, otherwise the system will try to send the same notification up to 30 times in 14 days to guarantee it’s delivery.

URL Requirements - HTTPS: 443, 8443

All events, except for “Managers”, are accessible for managers and superiors. “Managers” event is only accessible for superiors.

2.12.1. Access to control key

“Access to control key” event sends notification to the specified URL about viewing of the merchant control key by any user of the system.

An example of the received data: {access_date: “2021.04.01 23:59:59”, user_name: “vp-support”, merchant_name: “new merchant name”, merchant_id: “1”, viewed_data: “merchant_control_key”}

Parameter name Type Description
access_date String Date of access
user_name String The name of the user who viewed the control key
merchant_name String Merchant’s name
merchant_id Integer Merchant’s ID
viewed_data String Viewed data

2.12.2. Access to merchant profile

“Access to merchant profile” event sends notification to the specified URL about visiting of the merchant’s page by any user of the system.

An example of the received data: {access_date: “2021.04.01 23:59:59”, user_name: “vp-support”, merchant_name: “new merchant name”, merchant_id: “1”, viewed_data: “merchant_page”}

Parameter name Type Description
access_date String Date of access
user_name String The name of the user who viewed the control key
merchant_name String Merchant’s name
merchant_id Integer Merchant’s ID
viewed_data String Viewed data

2.12.3. End points

“End points” event sends notification to the specified URL about creating a new/changing endpoint status.

An example of the received data: {end_point_id: “1”, end_point_name: “new end point name”, end_point_status: “Disabled”, end_point_rate_plan_id: null, end_point_rate_plan_name: null}

Parameter name Type Description
end_point_id Integer Endpoint’s ID
end_point_name String Endpoint’s name
end_point_status String
Endpoint’s status.
Possible values: Enabled, Disabled
end_point_rate_plan_id String Endpoint’s rate plan ID
end_point_rate_plan_name String Endpoint’s rate plan name

2.12.4. End points first transaction

“End points first transaction” event sends notification to the specified URL about first endpoint transaction.

An example of the received data: {end_point_id: “1”, end_point_name: “new end point name”, end_point_status: “Disabled”, end_point_first_transaction_date: “2021.04.01 23:59:59”}

Parameter name Type Description
end_point_id Integer Endpoint’s ID
end_point_name String Endpoint’s name
end_point_status String
Endpoint’s status.
Possible values: Enabled, Disabled
end_point_first_transaction_date String Date of endpoint’s first transaction

2.12.5. Gates

“Gates” event sends notification to the specified URL about the creation of a new/changing gate status.

An example of the received data: {gate_id: “1”, gate_name: “new gate name”, gate_status: “Disabled”, gate_rate_plan_id: “10”, gate_rate_plan_name: “new gate rate plan name”}

Parameter name Type Description
gate_id Integer Gate’s ID
gate_name String Gate’s name
gate_status String
Gate’s status.
Possible values: Enabled, Disabled
gate_rate_plan_id String Gate’s rate plan ID
gate_rate_plan_name String Gate’s rate plan name

2.12.6. Managers

“Managers” event sends notification to the specified URL about the creation of a new manager.

An example of the received data: {manager_id: “1”, manager_name: “new manager name”}

Parameter name Type Description
manager_id Integer Manager’s ID
manager_name String Manager’s name

2.12.7. Merchant

“Merchants” event sends notification to the specified URL about the creation of a new/changing merchant’s status.

An example of the received data: {merchant_id: “1”, merchant_name: “new merchant name”, merchant_status: “Disabled”}

Parameter name Type Description
merchant_id Integer Merchant’s ID
merchant_name String Merchant’s name
merchant_status String
Merchant’s status.
Possible values: Enabled, Disabled

2.12.8. Merchants first transaction

“Merchants first transaction” event sends notification to the specified URL about the first merchant transaction.

An example of the received data: {merchant_id: “1”, merchant_name: “new merchant name”, merchant_status: “Disabled”, merchant_first_transaction_date: “2021.04.01 23:59:59”}

Parameter name Type Description
merchant_id Integer Merchant’s ID
merchant_name String Merchant’s name
merchant_status String
Merchant’s status.
Possible values: Enabled, Disabled
merchant_first_transaction_date String Date of merchant’s first transaction

2.12.9. Processing limits

“Processing limits” event sends notification to the specified URL about creating a new/changing configuration/removing a limit.

An example of the received data: {processing_limit_id: “1”, processing_limit_action_type: “created”}

Parameter name Type Description
processing_limit_id Integer Processor’s limit ID
processing_limit_action_type String
Type of the processor’s limit action.
Possible values: Created, Enabled, Disabled, Deleted

2.12.10. Processor

“Processors” event sends notification to the specified URL about the creation of a new/changing processor status.

An example of the received data: {processor_id: “1”, processor_name: “new processor name”, processor_status: “Disabled”}

Parameter name Type Description
processor_id Integer Processor’s ID
processor_name String Processor’s name
processor_status String
Processor’s status.
Possible values: Enabled, Disabled

2.12.11. Projects

“Projects” event sends notification to the specified URL about the creation of a new / changing project’s status.

An example of the received data: {project_id: “1”, project_name: “new project name”, project_status: “Disabled”, project_rate_plan_id: “10”, project_rate_plan_name: “new project rate plan name”}

Parameter name Type Description
project_id Integer Project’s ID
project_name String Project’s name
project_status String
Project’s status.
Possible values: Enabled, Disabled
project_rate_plan_id String Project’s rate plan ID
project_rate_plan_name String Project’s rate plan name