1.1.6. Recurring Payments service

Recurring (also Recurrent) payments transactions is a type of bank payments, where charges are applied to a cardholder in predetermined intervals for services or goods of an ongoing nature (memberships, subscriptions, loan payments). Prior to the charges, card must be registered in system. Charges will be made according to balancing set on project level.

Single operations

Recurring Payments API

Create Recurring Payments

Create Recurring Payments API URLs

Create Recurring Payments API call is initiated through HTTPS POST request by using URLs and the parameters specified below. See OAuth RSA-SHA256 for authentication.

https://sandbox.solidpayments.com/paynet/api/v4/create-recurring-payment/ENDPOINTID – for create transaction
Create Recurring Payments Request Parameters


Request must have content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded and Authorization headers.
Create Recurring Payment request parameters Length/Type Source/Destination card type Description Necessity
rp_card_type none none SRC - source card. DST - destination card. Mandatory
client-orderid 128/String SRC/DST Merchant order ID Mandatory
Merchant login 20/String SRC/DST Merchant’s login name Mandatory
Endpoint 10/Numeric SRC/DST Endpoint ID Mandatory
order_desc 65K/String SRC/DST Description of Recurring payment Mandatory
credit-card-number 20/Numeric SRC/DST Clients credit card number Mandatory
currency 3/String SRC/DST Currency type Mandatory
country 2/String Not supported for DST Clients country. Mandatory
city 128/String Not supported for DST Clients city. Mandatory
zip-code 10/String Not supported for DST Clients zip-code. Mandatory
address1 256/String Not supported for DST Clients address. Mandatory
first-name 128/String Not supported for DST Clients first name. Mandatory
last-name 128/String Not supported for DST Clients last name. Mandatory
customer-ip 45/String SRC/DST Clients IP address Mandatory
email 128/String Not supported for DST Clients email. Mandatory
card-printed-name 128/String Mandatory for SRC, optional for DST Clients card printed name. Mandatory/Optional
expire-month 2/Numeric Mandatory for SRC, optional for DST Clients card expire month. Mandatory/Optional
expire-year 4/Numeric Mandatory for SRC, optional for DST Clients card expire year. Mandatory/Optional
ssn 32/String Not supported for DST Social security number field. Optional
birthday 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Not supported for DST Clients birthday date. Optional
phone 128/String Not supported for DST Clients phone number. Optional
state 2-3/String Not supported for DST Clients state. Optional
period 32/String Not supported for DST Period can be day, week and month. In case if daily is chosen, client will be charged every day. If week - every 7 days. If monthly is chosen, client will be charged on the same date of the month, from the starting date, no matter how many days there are in a month. Optional
interval int Not supported for DST Interval is a multiplier applied to the period. For example, if interval of 2 and period ‘Daily’ is selected, client will be charged once every 2 days. Optional
start-date 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD SRC/DST Date, when first charge is scheduled. If start date is set as a current date and type is set as auto, first charge will be made today Optional
finish-date 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD SRC/DST Date, when the client will be charged last time Optional
max-repeats-number int SRC/DST Index of recurring transaction, first charge will hold the index of 0. Current repeats number increases even if a charge was unsuccessful. When current repeats number reaches max repeats number, Recurring payment goes into stop status and client is charged no more. If a charge was made automatically, no additional charges will be made(unless done manually), even if a recurring payment is stopped and rescheduled again Optional
amount 255/String SRC/DST Amount of currency must be the same as currency on the project assigned. Upon reaching finish date, Recurring payment will go into stop status Optional
amount-from 255/String SRC/DST If amount from+amount to is chosen, every charge will be of random amount between these two numbers Optional
amount-to 255/String SRC/DST If amount from+amount to is chosen, every charge will be of random amount between these two numbers Optional
amount-sequence 255/String SRC/DST If amount sequence is chosen, client will be charged amounts from this list. Example of setting up amount sequence: 10.5, 24.6, 32.0. If repeats number is higher than amount sequence number of elements, every new charge will be with last amount in amount sequence. In order for charges to begin from the first amount in the chain, current repeats number must be set as 0 Optional
purpose 128/String Not supported for DST Purpose of transaction. Optional
notify_url 1024/String SRC/DST Notify url field.:code:server_callback_url parameter can also be used. For more information please see _merchants_callbacks Optional
Create Recurring Payment Request Example
address1=rpdDowning st., 10
card_printed_name=rpdA B
Create Recurring Payment Response Parameters


Response has Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 header. All parameters in response are x-www-form-urlencoded, with (0xA) character at the end of each parameter’s value
Create Recurring Payment Response Parameters Description
type The type of response. Example: create-recurring-payment-response
recurring-payment-id Recurring ID assigned to the order by SolidPayments
status See Status List for details
serial-number Unique number assigned by SolidPayments server to particular request from the Merchant
Create Recurring Payments Response Example
Create Recurring Payments Debug
Debug form
Merchant login

Normalized parameters string to sign, according to OAuth 1.0a rules
POST body parameters to submit
OAuth 1.0a headers to submit.
HEX Encoded Signature
* HEX encoded string is for debug purposes only. You shouldn't send this string to the server neither in HEX nor in Encoded HEX representation.
Base64 Encoded Signature
* Binary RSA-SHA256 signature directly encoded in base64 should be sent to the server.

Process Recurring Payments (Source card only)

The End point ID is an entry point for incoming Merchant’s transactions. Create Recurring Payments API call is initiated through HTTPS POST request by using URLs and the parameters specified below. See OAuth RSA-SHA256 for authentication.

https://sandbox.solidpayments.com/paynet/api/v4/process-recurring-payment/ENDPOINTID – for process transaction
Recurring Payment Process Request Parameters


Request must have content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded and Authorization headers.
Create Recurring Payment request parameters Length/Type Description Necessity
client-orderid 128/String Merchant order ID Mandatory
recurring-payment-id long Recurring ID assigned to the order by SolidPayments Mandatory
amount 255/String Amount of currency must be the same as currency on the project assigned. Upon reaching finish date, Recurring payment will go into stop status Mandatory
Process Recurring Payment Response Parameters


Response has Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 header. All parameters in response are x-www-form-urlencoded, with (0xA) character at the end of each parameter’s value
Process Recurring Payment Response Parameters Description
type The type of response. Example: process-recurring-payment-response
status See Status List for details
serial-number Unique number assigned by SolidPayments server to particular request from the Merchant
Process Recurring Payments Debug

Process recurring payment debugger can be used to initiate a manual charge from a customer. Manual charges made this way do not interact with automatic charges in any way and they don`t increase any counters.

To reproduce your API call, input all of the data from your original request, including the authentication tokens. Don’t forget to set the nonce and timestamp to the values you used. An OAuth signed URL should match regardless of the generating library. If the signatures differ, you know there is a bug in your OAuth signature code. Due to current PCI DSS restrictions only OAuth 1.0a RSA-SHA256 signature is allowed. Other signature methods are restricted. So to send command to the server your request should be: sent as POST, contains OAuth 1.0a headers, signed with RSA-SHA256.

Generate Public and Private key pair

You need only private and public key to authorize your transaction. To generate it please got to https://www.openssl.org/ download latest version of openssl and run following commands:

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out test-private-2048.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in test-private-2048.pem -out test-public-2048.pem

Share your Private key with no one, you should be the only person to know it. Your Public key, on the contrary, should be sent to your manager, so he can register it in the system. Use different keys for production and for testing purposes to avoid its compromisation.

For using this demo you need private key in PKCS#8 container.

Debug form
Merchant login

Normalized parameters string to sign, according to OAuth 1.0a rules
POST body parameters to submit
OAuth 1.0a headers to submit.
HEX Encoded Signature
* HEX encoded string is for debug purposes only. You shouldn't send this string to the server neither in HEX nor in Encoded HEX representation.
Base64 Encoded Signature
* Binary RSA-SHA256 signature directly encoded in base64 should be sent to the server.

Recurring payment update

Create Recurring Payments API call is initiated through HTTPS POST request by using URLs and the parameters specified below. See OAuth RSA-SHA256 for authentication.

https://sandbox.solidpayments.com/paynet/api/v4/update-recurring-payment/ENDPOINTID – for update transaction
Update Recurring Payment Request Parameters


Request must have content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded and Authorization headers.
Create Recurring Payment request parameters Length/Type Source/Destination card Description Necessity
client-orderid 128/String SRC/DST Merchant order ID Mandatory
recurring-payment-id long SRC/DST Recurring ID assigned to the order by SolidPayments Mandatory
Merchant login 20/String SRC/DST Merchant’s login name Mandatory
Endpoint 10/Numeric SRC/DST Endpoint ID Mandatory
order_desc 65K/String SRC/DST Description of Recurring payment Mandatory
type auto/manual SRC/DST Recurring payments can be set as auto and manual. If set as auto, charges will be applied automatically in accordance with this schedule. If set as manual, client can be charged only manually with the help of Recur transaction/API call Optional
credit-card-number 20/Numeric SRC/DST Clients credit card number Optional
card-printed-name 128/String SRC/DST Clients card printed name Optional
expire-month 2/Numeric SRC/DST Clients card expire month Optional
expire-year 4/Numeric SRC/DST Clients card expire year Optional
first-name 128/String Not supported for DST Clients first name. Optional
last-name 128/String Not supported for DST Clients last name. Optional
birthday 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Not supported for DST Clients birthday date. Optional
customer-ip 45/String SRC/DST Clients IP address Optional
ssn 32/String Not supported for DST Social security number field. Optional
country 2/String Not supported for DST Clients country. Optional
state 2-3/String Not supported for DST Clients state. Optional
city 128/String Not supported for DST Clients city. Optional
zip-code 10/String Not supported for DST Clients zip-code. Optional
address1 256/String Not supported for DST Clients address. Optional
phone 128/String Not supported for DST Clients phone number. Optional
email 128/String Not supported for DST Clients email. Optional
period 32/String Not supported for DST Period can be day, week and month. In case if daily is chosen, client will be charged every day. If week - every 7 days. If monthly is chosen, client will be charged on the same date of the month, from the starting date, no matter how many days there are in a month. Optional
interval int Not supported for DST Interval is a multiplier applied to the period. For example, if interval of 2 and period ‘Daily’ is selected, client will be charged once every 2 days. Optional
start-date 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD SRC/DST Date, when first charge is scheduled. If start date is set as a current date and type is set as auto, first charge will be made today Optional
finish-date 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD SRC/DST Date, when the client will be charged last time Optional
max-repeats-number int SRC/DST Index of recurring transaction, first charge will hold the index of 0. Current repeats number increases even if a charge was unsuccessful. When current repeats number reaches max repeats number, Recurring payment goes into stop status and client is charged no more. If a charge was made automatically, no additional charges will be made(unless done manually), even if a recurring payment is stopped and rescheduled again Optional
amount 255/String SRC/DST Amount of currency must be the same as currency on the project assigned. Upon reaching finish date, Recurring payment will go into stop status Optional
amount-from 255/String SRC/DST If amount from+amount to is chosen, every charge will be of random amount between these two numbers Optional
amount-to 255/String SRC/DST If amount from+amount to is chosen, every charge will be of random amount between these two numbers Optional
amount-sequence 255/String SRC/DST If amount sequence is chosen, client will be charged amounts from this list. Example of setting up amount sequence: 10.5, 24.6, 32.0. If repeats number is higher than amount sequence number of elements, every new charge will be with last amount in amount sequence. In order for charges to begin from the first amount in the chain, current repeats number must be set as 0 Optional
purpose 128/String Not supported for DST Purpose of transaction. Optional
notify_url 1024/String SRC/DST Notify url field. server_callback_url parameter can also be used. For more information please see merchants_callbacks Optional
Update Recurring Payment Response Parameters


Response has Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 header. All parameters in response are x-www-form-urlencoded, with (0xA) character at the end of each parameter’s value
Update Recurring Payment Response Parameters Description
type The type of response. Example: update-recurring-payment-response
status See Status List for details
serial-number Unique number assigned by SolidPayments server to particular request from the Merchant
Update Recurring Payment Request Example
address1=Downing st., 10
card_printed_name=A B
Update Recurring Payment Response Example
Update Recurring Payments Debug
Generate Public and Private key pair

You need only private and public key to authorize your transaction. To generate it please got to https://www.openssl.org/ download latest version of openssl and run following commands:

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out test-private-2048.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in test-private-2048.pem -out test-public-2048.pem

Share your Private key with no one, you should be the only person to know it. Your Public key, on the contrary, should be sent to your manager, so he can register it in the system. Use different keys for production and for testing purposes to avoid its compromisation.

For using this demo you need private key in PKCS#8 container.

Debug form
Merchant login

Normalized parameters string to sign, according to OAuth 1.0a rules
POST body parameters to submit
OAuth 1.0a headers to submit.
HEX Encoded Signature
* HEX encoded string is for debug purposes only. You shouldn't send this string to the server neither in HEX nor in Encoded HEX representation.
Base64 Encoded Signature
* Binary RSA-SHA256 signature directly encoded in base64 should be sent to the server.

Batch operations

Recurring payments are added and updated in the system in batches. In order to do it, navigate to “Tools - Batch operations”.


To add or update recurring payments, download an example presented, fill in your clients, following an example, and upload it.


Microsoft Excel can display .csv files wrong, for better user experience a different office suite, for instance, LibreOffice. Only “amount” OR “amount from” + “amount to” OR “amount sequence” should be filled in.


Update of recurring payments is done on “Update recurring payments” page in the same way. Recurring transactions will be updated based on “Recurring payment ID” parameter.

Recurring Payments Batch API

Create Recurring Payments API call is initiated through HTTPS POST request by using URLs and the parameters specified below. See OAuth RSA-SHA256 for authentication.

https://sandbox.solidpayments.com/paynet/api/v4/create-recurring-payments/ENDPOINTID – for create transaction


Request must have content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded and Authorization headers.
Add Document request parameters Length/Type Description Necessity
client-orderid 128/String Merchant order ID Mandatory
Merchant login 20/String Merchant’s login name Mandatory
Endpoint 10/Numeric Endpoint ID Mandatory
payment-description 65K/String Description of Recurring payment Mandatory
first-name 128/String Clients first name Mandatory
last-name 128/String Clients last name Mandatory
customer-ip 45/String Clients IP address Mandatory
country 2/String Clients country Mandatory
address1 256/String Clients address Mandatory
zip-code 10/String Clients zip-code Mandatory
phone 128/String Clients phone number Mandatory
email 128/String Clients email Mandatory
currency 3/String Currency type Mandatory
card-printed-name 128/String Clients card printed name Mandatory
credit-card-number 20/Numeric Clients credit card number Mandatory
expire-month 2/Numeric Clients card expire month Mandatory
expire-year 4/Numeric Clients card expire year Mandatory
notify-url 1024/String Notify url field Mandatory
birthday 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Clients birthday date Optional
state 2-3/String Clients state Optional
purpose 128/String Purpose of transaction Optional
ssn 32/String Social security number field Optional
cvv2 3-4/Numeric Clients cvv2 code Optional
period 32/String Period can be day, week and month. In case if daily is chosen, client will be charged every day. If week - every 7 days. If monthly is chosen, client will be charged on the same date of the month, from the starting date, no matter how many days there are in a month Optional
interval int Interval is a multiplier applied to the period. For example, if interval of 2 and period ‘Daily’ is selected, client will be charged once every 2 days Optional
start-date 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Date, when first charge is scheduled. If start date is set as a current date and type is set as auto, first charge will be made today Optional
finish-date 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Date, when the client will be charged last time Optional
max-repeats-number int Index of recurring transaction, first charge will hold the index of 0. Current repeats number increases even if a charge was unsuccessful. When current repeats number reaches max repeats number, Recurring payment goes into stop status and client is charged no more. If a charge was made automatically, no additional charges will be made(unless done manually), even if a recurring payment is stopped and rescheduled again Optional
amount 255/String Amount of currency must be the same as currency on the project assigned. Upon reaching finish date, Recurring payment will go into stop status Optional
amount-from 255/String If amount from+amount to is chosen, every charge will be of random amount between these two numbers Optional
amount-to 255/String If amount from+amount to is chosen, every charge will be of random amount between these two numbers Optional
amount-sequence 255/String If amount sequence is chosen, client will be charged amounts from this list. Example of setting up amount sequence: 10.5, 24.6, 32.0. If repeats number is higher than amount sequence number of elements, every new charge will be with last amount in amount sequence. In order for charges to begin from the first amount in the chain, current repeats number must be set as 0 Optional

The End point ID is an entry point for incoming Merchant’s transactions.

https://sandbox.solidpayments.com/paynet/api/v4/update-recurring-payments/ENDPOINTID – for update transaction


Request must have content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded and Authorization headers.
Update request parameters Length/Type Description Necessity
recurring-payment-id long ID assigned by SolidPayments Mandatory
type auto/manual Recurring payments can be set as auto and manual. If set as auto, charges will be applied automatically in accordance with this schedule. If set as manual, client can be charged only manually with the help of Recur transaction/API call Mandatory
Merchant login 20/String Merchant’s login name Mandatory
Endpoint 40/Numeric Endpoint ID Mandatory
client-orderid 128/String Merchant order ID Optional
payment-description 65K/String Description of Recurring payment Optional
first-name 128/String Clients first name Optional
last-name 128/String Clients last name Optional
address1 256/String Clients address Optional
birthday 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Clients birthday date Optional
zip-code 10/String Clients zip-code Optional
country 2/String Clients country Optional
state 2-3/String Clients state Optional
phone 128/String Clients phone number Optional
email 128/String Clients email Optional
ssn 32/String Social security number field Optional
period 32/String Period can be day, week and month. In case if daily is chosen, client will be charged every day. If week - every 7 days. If monthly is chosen, client will be charged on the same date of the month, from the starting date, no matter how many days there are in a month Optional
interval int Interval is a multiplier applied to the period. For example, if interval of 2 and period ‘Daily’ is selected, client will be charged once every 2 days Optional
start-date 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Date, when first charge is scheduled. If start date is set as a current date and type is set as auto, first charge will be made today Optional
finish-date 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Date, when the client will be charged last time Optional
max-repeats-number int Index of recurring transaction, first charge will hold the index of 0. Current repeats number increases even if a charge was unsuccessful. When current repeats number reaches max repeats number, Recurring payment goes into stop status and client is charged no more. If a charge was made automatically, no additional charges will be made(unless done manually), even if a recurring payment is stopped and rescheduled again Optional
amount 255/String Amount of currency must be the same as currency on the project assigned. Upon reaching finish date, Recurring payment will go into stop status Optional
amount-from 255/String Amount of currency must be the same as currency on the project assigned. Upon reaching finish date, Recurring payment will go into stop status Optional
amount-to 255/String If amount from+amount to is chosen, every charge will be of random amount between these two numbers Optional
amount-sequence 255/String If amount sequence is chosen, client will be charged amounts from this list. Example of setting up amount sequence: 10.5, 24.6, 32.0. If repeats number is higher than amount sequence number of elements, every new charge will be with last amount in amount sequence. In order for charges to begin from the first amount in the chain, current repeats number must be set as 0 Optional
currency 3/String Currency type Optional
card-printed-name 128/String Clients card printed name Optional
credit-card-number 20/Numeric Clients credit card number Optional
expire-month 2/Numeric Clients card expire month Optional
expire-year 255/String Clients card expire year Optional
cvv2 3-4/Numeric Clients cvv2 code Optional
purpose 128/String Purpose of transaction Optional
notify-url 1024/String Notify url field Optional

The End point ID is an entry point for incoming Merchant’s transactions.

https://sandbox.solidpayments.com/paynet/api/v4/process-recurring-payments/ENDPOINTID – for process transaction


Request must have content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded and Authorization headers.
Recurring payment request parameters Length/Type Description Necessity
recurring-payment-id long ID assigned by SolidPayments Mandatory
Merchant login 20/String Merchant’s login name Mandatory
Endpoint 40/String Endpoint ID Mandatory
payment-description 65K/String Description of Recurring payment Mandatory
amount 255/String Amount of currency must be the same as currency on the project assigned. Upon reaching finish date, Recurring payment will go into stop status Mandatory
currency 3/String Currency type Mandatory
client-orderid 128/String Merchant order ID Optional
first-name 128/String Clients first name Optional
last-name 128/String Clients last name Optional
birthday 8/Numeric, YYYYMMDD Clients birthday date Optional
address1 256/String Clients address Optional
zip-code 10/String Clients zip-code Optional
country 2/String Clients country Optional
state 2-3/String Clients state Optional
phone 128/String Clients phone number Optional
email 128/String Clients email Optional
ssn 32/String Social security number field Optional
purpose 128/String Purpose of transaction Optional
notify-url 1024/String Notify url field Optional

Recurring payments page overview

Once recurring payments are registered in the system, you can view full list of them in “Orders - Recurring payments”


Recurrence details section presents general information about the transaction. Recurrence ID can be found here, which is used for updating recurring payments.


Customer details section shows general information about client (city, e-mail, etc). Note, that this info can be changed for further Recurring charges.


Actions history page shows history of changes in this Recurring payment (schedule changes, status changes, manual charges), data and status of these actions.

Recurring Schedule Parameters Description
Type Recurring payments can be set as auto and manual. If set as auto, charges will be applied automatically in accordance with this schedule. If set as manual, client can be charged only manually with the help of Recur transaction/API call
Period Period can be daily, weekly and monthly. In case if daily is chosen, client will be charged every day. If weekly - every 7 days. If monthly is chosen, client will be charged on the same date of the month, from the starting date, no matter how many days there are in a month
Interval Interval is a multiplier applied to the period. For example, if interval of 2 and period ‘Daily’ is selected, client will be charged once every 2 days
Start date Date, when first charge is scheduled. If start date is set as a current date and type is set as auto, first charge will be made today
Finish date Date, when the client will be charged last time
Max & current repeats number Index of recurring transaction, first charge will hold the index of 0. Current repeats number increases even if a charge was unsuccessful. When current repeats number reaches max repeats number, Recurring payment goes into stop status and client is charged no more. If a charge was made automatically, no additional charges will be made(unless done manually), even if a recurring payment is stopped and rescheduled again
Currency Currency of recurring payments, must be the same as currency on the project assigned. Upon reaching finish date, Recurring payment will go into stop status
Exact amount If exact amount is chosen, every charge will be of that amount
Amount from/amount to If amount from+amount to is chosen, every charge will be of random amount between these two numbers
Amount sequence If amount sequence is chosen, client will be charged amounts from this list. Example of setting up amount sequence: 10.5, 24.6, 32.0. If repeats number is higher than amount sequence number of elements, every new charge will be with last amount in amount sequence. In order for charges to begin from the first amount in the chain, current repeats number must be set as 0

exclamation Native type is reserved for future use and is not yet functional.


Current status can be “scheduled” or “stopped” and represents if this recurring transaction is turned on or off.

Processing status can hold the following values:

  • idle - recurring payment is currently not queued to be processed
  • queued - recurring payment is in queue to be processed.
  • dequeued - recurring payment is taken out of the processing queue to be executed.
  • processing - recurring payment is currently being processed
  • failed - transaction has not received a final status and needs to be finalized.

Next fire date is a date when client will be charged next time.

Change card data action allows you to change data of the card to be charged.

Recur transaction action is a manual charge of a client. It won`t increase repeats number counter. Manual charges made this way do not interact with automatic charges in any way.

Suspend action lets you stop future charges on current recurring transaction.